CHAPTER 1. 1- 6

At the start Elohim created the skies and the earth

-the earth was tohu-bohu
darkness on the face of the deep
and the breath of Elohim
hovering on the face of the waters-

Elohim said
Let light be
Light was
Elohim saw the light How good !
Elohim separated the light from the darkness
Elohim called to the light ‘‘Day’’
To the darkness he called ‘‘Night’’
It was evening, it was morning
One day

CHAPTER 25. 29 - 34

Jacob was brewing a brew
Esau came in from the field
He was tired
Esau said to Jacob
Please let me gulp of the red stuff, that red stuff
for I am tired
So they called his name Red (Edom)
Jacob said, Sell me your birthright today !
Esau said, Here I am going to die !
Of what use is a birthright to me ?
Jacob said, Swear to me today !
He swore to him and sold his birthright to Jacob
Jacob gave Esau bread and a brew of lentils
He ate, drank, upped and went
Esau scorned the birthright

CHAPTER 44. 18 - 23

Judah drew closer to him and said
I beg you, my lord!
Please let your servant speak a word in my lord’s ears
Do not let your anger flame against your servant
for you are as Pharaoh!
My lord asked his servants, saying
Do you have a father or a brother ?
We said to my lord
We have an old father and a young child of old age
His brother is dead
He alone is left of his mother
His father loves him
You said to your servants, Bring him down to me
I will set my eyes upon him
We said to my lord
The boy is not able to leave his father
Should he leave his father, he will die!
You said to your servants
If your youngest brother does not come down with you
you shall see my face no more!


Mon Dieu, donne-nous la pluie quand nous
  espérons le soleil.
Donne-nous de la musique quand nous
  redoutons l’ennui.
Donne-nous des larmes quand nous attendons
  un petit déjeuner.
Donne-nous des rêves quand nous craignons
  un orage.
Donne-nous un chien perdu quand nous
  souhaitons des félicitations.
Mon Dieu, joue avec nous, mets-nous sens
  dessus dessous

Que Dieu bénisse les égarés,
ceux qui se trompent,
ceux qui manquent de confiance,
ceux qui sont déroutés,
ceux qui sont intrigués,
ceux qui sont ébahis,
ceux qui sont déconcertés
et ceux qui sont perplexes.
Nous te remercions pour les animaux domestiques.
Ces créatures qui nous font suffisamment confiance pour nous approcher. Ces créatures qui nous font suffisamment confiance pour se montrer telles qu’elles sont.
   Issus de l’état sauvage, les animaux s’avancent vers nous.
Ils viennent à nous du monde intérieur. Ils apportent la beauté et la joie, le réconfort et la paix.
   Pour ce miracle et pour ce qu’il nous apprend, nous te remercions.



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